About Dave Schroeder

Dave Schroeder has been writing novels since 2014 when he retired from working as a corporate Chief Information Officer. His first novel, Xenotech Rising, was published in May 2015. He’s now written four novels and a novelette in his Xenotech Support science fiction humor series and six novels in his Congruent Mage epic fantasy series. His new series, in progress, is an adventure fantasy series called The Guardian Keeps.

Dave’s last name is pronounced SHRAY-der. He grew up in various small towns around central Pennsylvania and went to college at Swarthmore, a small liberal arts school outside Philadelphia where he met his future wife, Amy Guildroy.

Between jobs in 2004, Dave wrote the book and nineteen original songs for Softwear.com, a musical dot.comedy about the rise and fall of a fashion dotcom run by people who know nothing about fashion or technology. A few years later he produced the musical off-off-Broadway.

Dave currently lives in the northeastern suburbs of Atlanta with his wife and two entertaining cats, Moosh and Toner. They all inspire and assist with his writing and projects.

Dave enjoys performing as a voice actor and writing scripts for the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company.

Spiral Arm Press is the dedicated publishing house Dave started to produce his own work. It’s recently expanded to produce audiobooks along with trade paperbacks and ebooks. Dave’s Congruent Mage series is published for audio by Podium Publishing in Toronto.

Always optimistic, Dave tries to keep his stories upbeat and his endings mostly happy and usually funny.

Please check the Resources menu option above to see presentations Dave has made at conventions, plus more.